Aviation Psychology Aptitude Testing

Tailored aviation psychological aptitude testing is required in order to apply to the flight academies’ integrated flight training in Sweden, and some of the academies also require it for their private training. See the academies’ websites for which prerequisite knowledge and tests are required in order to apply to each program and school.

Aviation psychological aptitude testing is thus not the same thing as a mental health assessment which is currently included in Medical Class 1. The aviation psychological aptitude testing tests one’s cognitive and operative capacities, for instance spatial ability and perception, whereas the evaluation of mental health is a screening and evaluation of one’s psychiatric condition.

Information on becoming a pilot can often be found at the flight academies’ websites. Here (LINK), for instance, OSM Academy describes what is required in the form of prerequisite knowledge, various medical and psychological tests, and what certifications are required.

The cost for aviation psychological aptitude testing is 6,400kr, including tax.


What’s going to happen?
Test day starts at 9:00 a.m. (0900), and you can plan to be finished by 5:00 p.m. (1700). The day begins with a battery of written tests in the areas of logic, spatial ability, perception, and working memory. Each written test takes about 90 minutes. After these tests, you meet one-on-one with one of our psychologists and do two operative tests on the computer. Here you’re tested on simultaneous capacity, spatiality, and stress hardiness, among other things. Finally, an interview is conducted, and you also receive direct feedback on how you did in the various testing areas and whether or not you’ve passed. We recommend that you take notes on the feedback you receive; if it happens that you haven’t passed but would like to try again in the future, it’s good to know which areas you need to improve in. On average, about 65% pass the aptitude testing.

There will be a number of breaks during the day, including time to eat lunch. There are unfortunately no facilities to warm up any food you may have with you, although there are a number of restaurants nearby. On test day, please bring a copy of payment proof (or be able to show us via a screen shot), a copy of your final grades from high school (gymnasiet) if applicable, and identification.

And remember to give yourself plenty of time to get here; the testing starts at precisely 9:00 a.m. (0900) – and it’s not possible to start later since all tests are timed and require high levels of concentration – so it’s a good idea to arrive a bit early.


About a week after test day, you’ll receive via post the certification of your tailored aviation psychological aptitude testing for your application to the vocational integrated flight and helicopter training programs at the various flight academies (TFHS, OSM, and SPU). For most of the flight academies in Sweden, the certification is valid for five years after the testing date. As the certification only shows a grade of passed or failed, once again it’s important that you yourself take notes on your results when you receive the verbal feedback.

As we receive many applications for our test days, we ask that you cancel as early as possible if you aren’t able to come. This will allow us to give your place to someone in the waiting line. Your application becomes binding when you book your place via the link above. Cancellation must occur at the latest two weeks before test day; otherwise, you will be charged the entire fee. Upon cancellation before this deadline the entire fee will be refunded, minus a 200kr administration fee.